
1. Task Achievement / Task Response(適切に問題に答えているか?)
2. Coherence and Cohesion(文章は論理的で一貫性があるか?)
3. Lexical Resource(幅広く正確な語彙を使っているか?)
4. Grammatical Range & Accuracy(幅広く正確な文法を使っているか?)

IELTSライティング タスク2のお題と原文
Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

To a certain degree I agree with that the government should enact laws to enforce the recycling of household waste on its citizens. However, I also think that the government should also take other steps.
Taking recycling domestic waste as a legal responsibility is beneficial to provide a motivation for people. The growing population results in a soaring demand for consumer goods and leads to increasing number of discarded and useless materials. Because of that, the pressure on environmental protection and resource consumption have been increasing dramatically. Nevertheless, many people have not realized the consequence of their actions yet. Writing recycling into the laws as a civic duty could raise people’s recycling awareness and drive people to sort and process their living waste. Financial and administrative penalties could also act these purposes.
On top of making laws on recycling, governments should also take other measures. First, the state should appropriate money for the building of recycling facilities. Due to lack of waste containers for sorting, many residents especially in economically deprived areas have to dump waste at random. Second, levying high taxes on disposable goods should be considered. The mass production of plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, as well as the excessive use of them, causes a large number of unnecessary garbage. Imposing high taxes on disposable products can effectively reduce the accumulation of household waste and encourage the use of recyclable products. Finally, authorities should employ and train a group of people for popularizing the knowledge of rubbish classification and recycling, and set a series of recycling course in schools.
In conclusion, I believe that governments should not only legislate recycling, but also allocate fiscal resources towards enhancing infrastructures, increasing public awareness about waste sorting, and limiting disposable product usage.


語彙の指摘は、このエッセイの中に「law」という単語の使用頻度が高かったので、ここではpolicy, legislation/legislate, legal requirement等いくつかの表現の入れ替えをお勧めします。
文法的にも、「I also think the government should also take other steps」の部分で「also」が重複していますし、自身の立場をより明確に伝えるため文を補足しました。
また、より上級的な表現を使おうとすれば、「However, I believe it is also crucial for the government to pursue additional measures to better execute home waste recycling」などにすることで、繰り返しを避け、文のバリエーションを豊かにすることができます。

単語力において、特に「soaring demand」「discarded and useless materials」「civic duty」などの表現は、議論を豊かにしています。
しかし、「motivation for people」は自然ではないので、「motivate people to … 」などのように言い換えることで、語彙の精度をさらに高めることができます。
文末の「Financial and administrative penalties could also act these purposes」は文法ミスで、「act for/ serve these purposes」または、「could be further implemented for such purposes」のように、より適切な表現に修正することが推奨されます。

「economically deprived areas」「levy high taxes」「disposable goods」「impose taxes」などの表現は、語彙の幅を示すことができています。
一方、「making laws」を「enacting legislation」に、「the state should appropriate money」を「the state should allocate government spending / funds」、「employ and train people for popularizing the knowledge of …」を「reinforce and promote/populate」に言い換えることで、より正確かつプロフェッショナルな表現ができます。

「allocate fiscal resources」「enhancing infrastructures」「increasing public awareness」「limiting disposable product usage」という表現は、議論の要点を明確に伝えています。

Task Achievement(課題達成度)- 7.0:
Coherence and Cohesion(まとまりと一貫性)- 6.0:
Lexical Resource(語彙力)- 6.5:
トピックに適切で、全体的に正確な語彙を使用していますし、いくつかの上級な単語やフレーズも使われています(他にも上記で青色で強調されているものも同様です)。ただし、表現には正確性が欠けたところも散見され、、また“laws” という単語が繰り返し使われているため、代替表現を見つける余地があります。
Grammatical Range and Accuracy(文法の範囲と正確性)- 6.5:

Some people hold the conviction that legal requirement implemented by governments is the only effective way to increase domestic waste recycling. While I share this sentiment to a degree, I believe that governments should also take other steps to better execute home waste recycling among households.
Taking recycling domestic waste as a legal responsibility is beneficial in motivating people to voluntarily recycle the waste at home. The growing population results in soaring demand for consumer goods and an increasing number of discarded and useless materials. Because of that, the pressure on environmental protection and resource consumption has been increasing dramatically. Nevertheless, many people have not realized the consequences of their actions yet. Writing recycling into the laws or policies as a civic duty could raise people’s recycling awareness and drive people to sort and process their living waste. Meanwhile, financial and administrative penalties could further be implemented for such purposes.
On top of enacting legislation on recycling, governments should also take other measures to enhance the recycling rate among households. First, the state should allocate government spending for the building of recycling facilities. Due to the lack of waste containers for sorting, many residents especially in economically deprived areas have to dump waste at random. Therefore, supplying sufficient recycling equipment to households will effectively help reduce household waste in those areas. Second, levying high taxes on disposable goods should be considered to limit domestic/household waste. The mass production of plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, as well as the excessive use of them, causes a large number of unnecessary garbage. Imposing high taxes on disposable products can effectively reduce the accumulation of household waste and encourage the use of recyclable products. Finally, authorities should reinforce and promote/populate rubbish classification and recycling awareness among its citizens, and develop a series of recycling courses for school students.
In conclusion, I believe that governments should not only legislate recycling, but also allocate fiscal resources towards enhancing infrastructures, increasing public awareness about waste sorting, and limiting disposable product usage.