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IELTSでもコンピューター試験が導入されたけど、IELTSスピーキングはTOEICやTOEFL iBTとは違って、英検みたいに人の試験管と話せるのが好き!



IELTSスピーキングテストは、Part 1, Part 2とPart 3に分かれている。


Part 1は日常会話の感覚で、2つから3つぐらいのテーマについて、それぞれ3つ〜4つほどの質問を聞かれる。所要時間は3-5分程度。


Part 2は試験官がランダムにトピックカードを選び、トピックカードに基づいて1分間準備(メモ可能)、2分間のスピーチをする。所要時間は3-4分程度。


Part 3はPart 2の延長線上にあり、試験官が聞きたいことが出題される。4-5分程度。

Part 3はより抽象的な質問が多く、質問内容は面接官の好みに左右される。






1. 流暢さと一貫性(Fluency and coherence)


2. 語彙力(Lexical resource)


3. 文法(Grammatical range and accuracy)


4. 発音(Pronuunciation)













1分2分の回答の中、5、6回も「I think」「Well」「You know」「Very」など、同じ単語や構文を何度も利用していないだろうか?



例えば、「I think」を、「I suppose that」、「 to my best knowledge, I believe that」で言い換える。





例えば、sameをmake no differencesに、totally differentをmake a big differenceに、like to read booksをbook loverに置き換える。









  • Home
    • どんなところに住んでいる?周りの環境はどう?将来どんな家に住みたい?等
  • Movie
    • どんな映画が好き?いつもどこで映画を見る?
  • Study
    • 専攻は何?自分の専攻が好き?どの科目が好き?等
  • Weather
    • どんな天気が好き?






Why did you choose to study that subject?

I chose business as a subject because it gives me an excellent foundation to enter my desired career upon completion of my studies. It is important for me to take the same career path as my father, as he has had an incredibly successful one, and I would like to emulate that.

Is it interesting?

Yes, it brings lots of fun. I get quite some time to personally interact with my teachers, enabling me to go into great depth while studying material that I find particularly interesting.  In addition, by sharing impressive knowledge on the subject in my online blog, I have attracted thousands of fans. I really love it.

What subjects are you studying?

I am currently studying both business marketing and psychology as a joint degree. These two courses give me both a theoretical business knowledge on marketing campaigns and practical working skills. It also provides me with a psychological background that allows me to understand the reasons behind various aspects of those topics better.

Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?

Compared with many friends who like to study in the afternoons, I prefer to study in the mornings. With a 9-hour sleep at night, I am very energetic in the mornings, and I can better focus on solving severe problems.

Are you looking forward to working?

Yes, I am. Even though working can be stressful and challenging, I do enjoy it. However, finishing my studies and starting my career is exciting, as I will have the opportunity to apply what I learned. Besides, with a salary, I can be financially independent, and buy anything I like without worrying about my parents’ rejections.

Do you like your subject?

I do. because it directly relates to my desired career path. The subject offers a perspective on the marketing business and interesting knowledge about human psychology. The combination of these two aspects is going to help me open an advertisement business.

What work do you do?

I currently work as a marketing assistant at a large company that sells electronic products. In particular, I design advertising posters for the global launch of new products in the Japanese market.

Why did you choose to do this type of work?

I chose this work to follow my father’s footsteps. My father has been working in marketing for his entire life. Since I was very young, my father shared several insights about his work in the form of curious stories. These stories always caught my interest, which later transformed into my passion.

Do you miss being a student?

Yes and no. I miss the time spent studying with my friends and working towards a standard qualification. However, since finishing my studies, I do prefer the freedom of being able to move on and start my career.

Do you like your job?

Yes, I do. My job allows me to interact with a variety of people from different backgrounds and cultures every day. I find the work itself to be extremely fulfilling, and I really appreciate the way my efforts get rewarded.



What do you think makes good friends?

Good friends walk the talks and show that they care by actions. They are always there for you no matter what happens, and they don’t judge you and are trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it’s hard for you to hear.

Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?

Yes, actually I have known my best friend for almost 12 years since childhood. We are not living the same city right now, but we keep having a video call once a week, to update and have fun with each other.

What kinds of people do you like to make friends with?

I will love to make friends with people who are outgoing and trustworthy. It will be better that we share the common interests, so we can hang out often to build stronger friendships

Do you think you are a good friend to others?

I believe that many people regard me as a good friend, as I am outgoing, trustworthy and willing to help them by actions. Also, I can tell you that they like me, as they are always happy to help me.


スポーツ (4問)

What sports did you do when you were a kid?

I loved running and swimming when I was a kid. It is the most convenient and easiest sport for me to learn and pick up. One of my most enjoyable moments was to get up early and run on the playground with my father.

What’s your favorite sport? Why?

My favorite sport is jogging as it is easy to do anywhere anytime with no need for any tools or equipment. Besides, jogging calms me down after a busy day at work and allows me some quiet time to think over something unclear and confusing.

Do you watch sports matches? Why?

Not very often. Sports matches are so fiercely competitive that I am unable to stop thinking about it or face the bad news. To avoid being greatly bothered, I choose to stay away from all sport matches.

Are you a fan of any sports teams? Why?

I am a super fan of Japan’s baseball team. They symbolize a spirit of persistence, bravery and hard work. They always devote all their energy and passion to each and every game. Be it winner or loser, they play with no regrets.



What languages can you speak?

Well, I’m fluent in Japanese and a fair bit of English. Even though I’m able to communicate in English, I’m not using it as well as my mother-language. I’m hoping that through the IELTS exam, I’m able to push myself to improve my English proficiency.

Do you think it’s challenging to learn a new language?

I think learning a new language is relatively challenging, particularly if you don’t have the proper language environment. In the past, I’ve tried to learn Chinese. Even though I was doing quite well in class because I never get an opportunity to practice it outside of the classroom, I was never able to master the language fully.

Will you learn other languages in the future?

I would, for sure, want to learn new languages in the future. Due to globalization, it’s becoming increasingly important to speak more languages. Being able to understand foreign languages provides people the advantages of making friends all over the world, as well as accessing more opportunities.

Why do you learn English?

I’m learning English because it is spoken all over the world. When I travel around, even if I do not speak the local language, I can still communicate with English. On another aspect, Learning English would provide me the chances of making friends all over the world, as well as accessing more opportunities.



Which do you prefer, e-books or paper books?

I prefer e-books. They’re so convenient—you can carry hundreds of books in one device, and it’seasy to adjust the font size and style, which makes reading more accessible and flexible for me.

 When do you usually read online?

I usually read online when I need to quickly Google something, like when I’m looking up a recipe, checking the news, or trying to find information for a project.

Will you read more online in the future?

Yeah, most likely. Especially with how much mainstream media is moving to online platforms, it seems like the trend is only going to continue.

Do you think paper books will disappear in the future?

Nah, I don’t think so. People love paper books too much for them to disappear completely. They’ve been around for centuries, and there’s something special about holding a book in your hands that I don’t think digital can replace.



In what conditions would you use a computer?

When I need to work on my essays or assignments, I would use a computer, simply because it’s expected that we submit our work online and it’s much easier to have the computer type out everything for you.

I would use a computer in almost every work situation, like sending out emails, putting together an excel spreadsheet or even just googling my way around to find some information.

When was the first time you used a computer?

It was during my primary school when my cousin was showing me how to play a game on computer. I soon figured out the basics of using a computer to do all sorts of fun stuff, like watching shows and playing music, etc.

What will your life be like without a computer?

I honestly can’t imagine my life without a computer. I would say I work on my computer around the clock. I communicate with my business partners and coworkers (keep in touch with my instructors and classmates) via email or Skype. So it’s going to be hard to keep in touch with everybody without a computer.

In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

Well, one scenario I can think of would be when we have no access to Wi-Fi. Because more often than not, when we use a computer, we need to connect to the Internet to google for something or check up a website for information. Without Internet access, a computer would just be a machine that does basically nothing.


家具 (4問)

Do you have a lot of furniture in your home?

Not much. My family prefers a simplistic lifestyle, kind of going Nordic. So only necessary and useful furniture is placed in our home. It is quite tempting to buy some home appliances with new and interesting features, but we manage to return to reason when making the final decision.

Is there anyone who bought furniture for you?

My last roommate once bought a bookshelf from Amazon for me. We used to share a two-bedroom apartment in Tokyo. The reason she bought it for me was that I had a lot of books and there was not enough space for all my belongings. That bookshelf really helped a lot.

What kind of furniture would you like to buy?

I would like to buy a sweeping robot for house cleaning. Currently, I raise two cats. Even though they are super cute, my room and my black T-shirts and trousers are filled with cat fur. With a sweeping robot, I don’t have to spend a lot of time getting rid of cat fur.

Which furniture do you like best in your home?

Big-screen TV is my favorite furniture in my home. It is connected to WIFI and therefore able to present various TV shows and dramas. On weekends, I like inviting my best friends to watch movies on the TV in my house. That is a very good memory.



What’s the best present or gift you have ever received?

The best gift I have received is a trip offer. My best friend, David made a fantastic traveling plan for me and paid for all the expenses. I loved the gift a lot, as he knew the place that I was interested in and all the plans worked perfectly for me.

Do you give expensive gifts?

It depends on the relationship between me and the gift receivers. I tend to buy expensive gifts for best friends and family members. I know that more money on gifts doesn’t equal to more love, but more budget does give me more options

What do you give others as gifts?

I have given gifts ranging from a virtual experience to the real stuff, such as videos or watches. If I have a close relationship with the person, I may select a more personal gift. If I am not close to the person, I may choose a gift that is more useful or accessible.

What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

People love to give gifts to family and friends in my country. Chocolates, fancy soaps and bath sets are seen as safe gifts, they are given especially when the budget is tight, or to people outside the immediate family.


服 (4問)

What’s your favorite color of clothes?

My taste is fast-changing. This year, black is the color of my choice as it always gives a feeling of professionalism when I am wearing in black. Before that, grey was my favorite.

What kind of clothes do you never wear?

I always stay away from clothes showing too much personality, like fashion designer clothes. They are not suitable on a lot of public occasions such as schools or business meetings.

What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

I love going casual or sportswear in everyday life because they fit me well and I can do sports whenever I feel like doing so. Sports clothing also gives me a cool feeling.

Do you wear the same styles of clothes on weekdays and weekends?

On weekdays, the options are kind of limited. Only smart blouses and black suit pants match high heels from Mondays to Fridays. On weekends, I often go out wearing slippers and oversize tops and bottoms as they are comfortable.


水 (3問)

Do you ever drink bottled water? Why? / What kind of water do you like to drink?

Actually, I drink bottled water every day as I think bottled water is more clean and healthy than tap water. Besides, bottled water is inexpensive in my country.

How often do you drink water?

It depends how busy I am, sometimes I am too focused on work or study so that I forget to drink water. Hence I tried to set an alarm to remind me to drink a glass of water every hour.

Do you think water is an important resource?

Water is without a doubt one of the most undervalued resources on earth. Because it is needed for life to exist. Almost every creature can’t survive without water. Many uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household and environmental activities. Virtually all of these human uses require fresh water.


 新聞と雑誌 (4問)

Do you prefer to read newspapers or magazines?

Well, I like both as they serve different purposes. The newspapers provide all kinds of news going around us while magazines are something that one can always read over a month whenever you have free time and magazines do give a much wider picture of a particular event than a newspaper.

Do you prefer to read news online or in newspapers?

I prefer to read news online to be honest, as reading it online is very convenient with the help of mobile applications, and news online often contains informative videos and we can see other readers’ opinions easily. Besides, I don’t know how to recycle the newspaper.

What do you think of newspapers?

My opinion has changed as compared with in the past. The once authoritative newspapers have now become a political weapon full of fake news, misunderstanding and biases. So I think of newspapers as a waste of time.

What are the differences between news and magazines?

They are far apart. News focuses more on facts and narrative elements such as time, place, people, etc. In contrast, magazines are aimed to present stories and express opinions and comments, so they have more subjectivity than news.



Do people usually use public transportation in your country?

I believe that most people use public transportation, as the whole system is built well and it’s very convenient. Besides, buying a private vehicle such as a car is quite expensive in my country and it can’t avoid the heavy traffic. Hence lots of people tend to use public transportation.

What kind of public transport do people in your country use the most? Why?

It depends on which city the people are living in. Citizens in big cities tend to take the underground more often than the bus, as it’s much faster and has no traffic issues. While people in small cities where have no subway available often take buses.

Are there any traffic problems in your area?

The city where I live in has been notorious for serious traffic congestion. The city’s problems do not seem to be improving in the past year – despite repeated measures to limit vehicle numbers. During rainy and bad weather days, or before and after major holidays, traffic congestion is particularly bad. These days, traffic jams can last more than three to four hours and even longer.

What do you want to change public transport? / How do you think public transport could be improved?

The increasing frequency and providing comfortable seats can be good ways to improve public transportation. For example, if riders are waiting for downtown in the rain, riders want to know that a bus will arrive soon, preferably in less than 15 minutes. Therefore, the wait becomes part of the transportation cycle. Even if the bus is lightning fast, in the mind of the rider, the trip begins right when they arrive at the curb and start waiting for the bus to pick them up.

Will you ride public transportation in the future? Why?

Actually, I take public transportation every day and will do it continuously in the future. As public transportation in my country is super convenient. Besides, it also helps me to reduce the risk of car accidents. I am really bad at driving and I prefer to take the underground or buses.


映画 (4問)

What’s your favorite movie?

Iron Man is my favorite movie because it is one of the best superheroes of Marvel Comics, has amazing special effects and humor and the character is always ironic and also the actor Robert is quite a gentleman.

Do your friends like this movie?

I believe that many of my friends love this movie, as they shared the movies on Facebook many times, and they kept talking about how fantastic Iron Man is.

What kinds of movies do you think young people like?

Well, it depends on person to person and I can’t say a general statement about everyone. As far as I am concerned, I prefer movies based on social issues, and most of my friends are crazy about action movies.

Do you want to be a movie star?

Actually, I used to imagine being a super movie star when I was a kid, as I thought that movie stars would earn lots of money and have millions of fans. However, I start to understand the challenges with age, such as lack of privacy and stress, and I don’t want to be it anymore.


動物 (4問)

Have you ever kept pets?

I used to raise a dog called Coke, and its body looked like a sausage, slim and long. I liked it a lot and walked it almost every day. Unfortunately, it got lost during Christmas, and my heart was broken.

Do you like to go to the zoo?

I used to like to visit animals at the zoo, but they seemed so sad. Zoo officials often consider profits ahead of the animals’ well-being. Many animals who naturally live in large herds or family groups are often kept alone or, at most, in pairs.

Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

Yes, I once saw a snake when I was having fun in my grandma’s garden. The snake was in black and the head was quite big and looked like a spoon. I was so scared that I couldn’t move at all.

What wild animal do you like most?

Tiger is my favorite animal, ever since I was little I have always been drawn to tigers. I like its appearance and physical power. In my opinion, they are just the perfect animal. The most supreme of the big cats while also being just as beautiful as they are dangerous.


変化 (4問)

Have you changed a lot since your childhood?

The answer is yes. In my childhood, I was quite outgoing and sporty and often the loudest one in class. As I grow up, I become fonder of staying alone, reading and watching movies.

What do you hope to change next year?

I hope I can be braver and more open to new things next year. Since college, I spent too much time staying in my comfort zone. New things and strange surroundings will bring me a broader world and a new way of thinking.

Do you like the changes? Why?

It depends on whether the changes are positive or negative. Positive changes allow me to have more power and capability to create value but negative ones only bring pain and upset.

Are there any changes in your hometown?

Recent years have seen significant changes in my hometown. We have more high-rise buildings, an expanding system of the subway, and more luxury brands. Overall, people in my hometown enjoy a higher standard of living.


週末 (4問)

What do you usually do on weekends?

I often cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me and my roommate or friend. Sometimes, I have to work overtime on weekends to finish my tasks. But in other cases, I frequently go out and hang out with my best friends.

Did you do anything special last weekend?

Last weekend, I bought a 2-month-old cat for my friend and took it home from Train Station. It took me 1.5 hours to reach there by subway so I hailed a taxi to go back home because I did not want to scare the little thing on a crowded subway.

What will you do next weekend?

I am going to Hokkaido with my friend and her colleagues. We haven’t met nor traveled with each other for a long time. This three-day trip is expected to be full of fun, BBQ, beer and breath-taking sea views.

What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?

They may choose to have fun in downtown, trying delicious food, taking photos in internet red restaurants or cafes or taking a walk in the parks. Other people may drive to suburban areas for some natural scenery.



Do you like meeting new people?

Depends on the people and the situation. But generally no. It’s not that I hate it, just that the majority of people are fairly similar and rather dull, and the whole “meeting” phase tends to be formulaic and pretty tedious. I much prefer just hanging out with the people I know

How do you feel when people welcome you?

In general, I feel pleased when being welcomed by other people. Because I am a sensitive person, if people don’t welcome me, I will prefer to stay alone.

Do you often meet new people?

It depends on the situation. When I move to a new environment, such as a new city or a new workplace, I tend to participate in outdoor activities to meet new people in the first few months. After that, I much prefer just hanging out with the people I know

Can you tell if you like someone when you meet them for the first time? Why?

Yes, it’s quite easy for me to tell my feelings about them based on the way how they talk and what they share. I tend to like people who can put their shoes into others rather than the ones who just show off themselves.



Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones?

I don’t think so. Higher prices don’t always mean better quality. In reality, most of our expense on a product is for branding. For example, we might need to spend 10k dollars on a luxury brand bag, but is its quality better than another bag cost for 5k dollars? I doubt it.

Do you like shopping?

Absolutely, I love shopping. Because I find it to be a really good mood-boosting activity especially on the days when I feel bad about myself. It may be as small and simple as a lip balm or it may be some amazing clothes or shoes, shopping has been and will forever remain a constant in my life.

Do you compare prices when you shop? Why?

It depends on the situation. I tend to compare prices when a product is too expensive, which is beyond my budget or when a product’s price seems much higher than it is supposed to be. Comparing prices is great before making a purchase because it helps me find great deals on the same item or find similar items at discounted prices.

Is it difficult for you to make choices when you shop?

It’s not difficult for me most of the time. I only feel difficult to make choices when my budget is limited, as I have to reduce my options.


議論 (4問)

What do you like to talk about?

Well, I like to talk about a wide range of topics, such as movies, food, technology and investment. For example, I often discuss with my best friend Jane about how to invest stocks and analyze the value of it.

Did you change the way you discuss when you were a child?

Absolutely, when I was a child, I often talked with my friends about what games or outdoor activities that we could do. However, as I grow up, the focus of my life has changed, I do care study and career more and more.

Do you change your opinions frequently?

Yes, I do it all the time. Recently I’ve changed my mind about vases, tuition fees, surfing, and houseplants. In some matters, there are the things I change my mind about every day, several times: democracy, the internet, euthanasia, alcohol, the free market. I didn’t even want to write this piece, but they talked me into it.

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

I think of myself as a good listener instead of a talker. I deeply know that I am not good at speaking, especially public speaking, but I am always interested in listening to other people’s experiences and interesting anecdotes.



Why do you need to take a break?

I think breaks are necessary to refresh the body and mind. I find that if I pull an all-nighter, the next day, I tend to lose my focus when studying. However, if I take adequate breaks in between my studying, I retain the information better.

Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks?

I prefer to take small short breaks. I find that I get distracted very quickly so having multiple short breaks can help me concentrate on the things I am working work on. However, if I take a long break, it isn’t so easy for me to bring myself back to the task again.

How often do you take a break?

I prefer to take a five-minute break every thirty minutes or so, but it is not always the case. Sometimes when I’m in the zone, I tend to forget taking a break but keeping work. However, if I’m not concentrating on what I’m doing, I would take an immediate break to clear my mind.

What do you usually do during a break?

I prefer to drink something during the break. I find a cool drink from the fridge can often quickly refresh my mind. Another thing I might do in my break is to check my phone and see what my friends are doing on social media.



When do you need to be focused?

Whenever I’m studying for exams, I need to be focused. I tend to get distracted easily, therefore I have to stay completely focused. Otherwise, I won’t be able to study efficiently, I will end up with difficulties in recalling what I have prepared. So I often ensure there is no distraction before I jump into the study.

What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

When I’m trying to stay focused, my biggest distraction is definitely my phone. When I have my phone next to me, I can’t resist playing it. I might frequently pick it up to check if there is a new message or anything fun on Twitter. There is no way for me to study with my phone by the side.

What do you do to help you concentrate?

Basically, I choose to find a quiet place and put my phone away. A quiet place, such as the corner of a library, can largely reduce the distractions, so I can easily stay concentrated. Besides, it is equally important to ensure my phone is not in front of me. When I have my phone next to me, I can’t resist playing it. So better to leave it in my school bag.

Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

Staying focused can be difficult because of potential distractions.
I mentioned my phone is my biggest distraction, because the temptation to keep checking my phone is a serious problem. The solution is to turn it off and put it in my briefcase until my task is completed!


散歩 (3問)

Do you walk a lot?/ Do you walk more often than in the past?

Yes, I love walking. Walking can provide numerous health benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels. It may also help prevent certain diseases and even prolong life.

Do you think people will walk more or not in the future?

To be honest, I am not sure about that. I know that the benefits of walking have raised a lot of people’s attention. However, the development of technology reduces the cost of vehicles; more and more people tend to use them rather than walking.

Where do you usually take a walk?

I usually walk around our city park on my own two feet to appreciate all sights and delights that Tokyo has to offer.


居住エリア (4問)

Do you like the area that you live in?

The community I live in is great. My neighbors are all very kind. On top of that, there are plenty of entertainment and fitness facilities, as well as tasty restaurants.

What are some changes in the area recently?

Recently, the city has been working on improving the roads in my neck of the woods. They have added more bicycle lanes and crossing walks, so people can live a greener life.

Do you know any famous people in your area?

I can’t say that there are many famous people in my area. The people that live near me tend to work in typical jobs, just as I do. Most people keep to themselves, too.

Where do you like to go to that area?

My favorite place to visit in my community is the park. The fresh air always makes me feel like a million bucks. Plus, the scenery is stunning and there’s plenty of great running paths.


 家/宿泊施設 (12問)

Can you describe the place where you live?

I currently live in my apartment: a flat with three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living room and a kitchen joined together. The apartment is a flat in the suburb of Tokyo. It is part of a larger complex of flats built five years ago. As such, its style is modern and minimalist.

How long have you lived there?

I have been living there since I was born for almost 20 years. I am looking forward to moving to downtown in the near future, as I can commute to work more easily.

Who do you live with?

Right now, I live with my roommate.  Living with a roommate is quite nice and convenient. We give each other a good company.  However, sometimes, I prefer to live alone to have more freedom.

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

I am not planning to live there for a long time, mainly because I would like to spend some time traveling the world and live in different cities. My plan is to move to New York or Los Angeles, in the United States, during the next summer.

What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?

The place where I am living in now is much quieter than where I lived before. The house I am living in now does not have as many people living in as where I grew up. In the house where I grew up, I was surrounded by all the members of my large family.

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

I prefer a house, as there are more opportunities to organize both interior and exterior spaces. Besides, living in a house allows me to host social events, such as a BBQ with my friends. Instead, in a flat, that may not always be possible.

In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?

In the future, I would like to move out of the flat where I am currently living and own a house of my own, preferably with a lot of space for when I invite friends over.  Hence, the house should have a big garden and a big living room.

What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings/home would you like to live in?

I would like to live in a quiet suburban home, away from the busy city life, but with good public services such as hospitals and parks. As much as I enjoy living in the city, I would like to settle down and live a quiet life in the future.

What do you usually do in your house/ flat/room?

I spend most of my time relaxing and watching TV shows and movies when I am at home. When I have time, I also like to practice playing the guitar and listening to music.

Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

My family spends most of their time in the living room, watching various sports on the television. However, when we are entertaining guests, we spend time in other rooms such as the dining room and the conservatory.

What part of your home do you like the most?

I like spending time in the kitchen, as I enjoy cooking meals for my family and guests. When I am not cooking, I prefer to relax in my bedroom, watching TV shows and playing video games. In the summer, I also like to lay down in the garden, under the sun.

Are the transport facilities at your home very good?

The transport links in my local area are usually very good.  There are regular buses which arrive directly to my house. However, on Sundays, the busses operate on a delayed timetable. Hopefully, the transportation company can improve the Sunday schedule.



Will you live in the countryside in the future?

I don’t think I would live in the countryside in the future, mostly because the pace of the countryside lifestyle is too slow. I know many people enjoy the countryside because the environment is better there than in the city. However, due to the lack of infrastructure and limited economic growth, it’s not suitable for me, especially if I want to find a job.

Have you ever lived in the countryside?

I used to live in the countryside when I was growing up. My family has a small house there by the lake. For every New Year, we still go to the countryside to visit my grandparents and have a family gathering.

What do you usually do in the countryside?

In the countryside, there isn’t much to do. When I was growing up, I’d go hiking in the mountains with my friends on weekends. I remember there is a small creek by the mountainside, where we’d set up small traps for fish and crabs. If lucky, we could also find berry bushes in the woods and pick some berries.

Do you enjoy living in the countryside?

I don’t enjoy living in the countryside very much. For me, it was much too quiet. I enjoy the rowdiness of the city and the busy lifestyle. I feel that the country life would be more suitable for me when I’m getting older and ready to retire.


故郷 (10問)

What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)?

I am originally from Tokyo. As the capital of Japan, Tokyo is super amazing, where people can see the modern part and historical part of Japan. Besides, as a top-rated tourist attraction in Japan, it attracts millions of visitors every year.

Is that a big city or a small place?

It is a megacity. The Greater Tokyo Area is the world’s most populous metropolitan area and also the center of Japanese culture, finance, and government. As an international hub city, Tokyo is also a major transportation hub and a world economic and industrial center.

Please describe your hometown a little.

My hometown is close to the sea and has a large collection of clubs and bars along the seaside. It is a busy city hosting people from several different cultures and backgrounds. The city attracts tourists coming from neighboring Asian countries during the Summer season.

How long have you lived there?

I have lived here since I was born. I grew up in the local area and my school was not far from the hospital where I was born. Also, I was lucky to have a university with a good reputation for the subject I wanted to study in my hometown.

Do you like it? / Do you like living there?

I like my hometown a lot because it has amazing beaches and big sea waves, attracting surfers from all over the world. Besides, all the same, people that I grew up with are still living here with me. More generally, living here gives me a sense of safety that I did not find during my short trips abroad.

What do you like (the most) about your hometown?

I like the natural landscape that my hometown offers. It is busy city, but with wonderful beaches and an amazing sea. In the summer, I like fishing for crabs, while the sunshine warms up and tans my skin. In the winter, I love to look at beautiful sunsets on the sea.

Is there anything you dislike about it?

I do not like how everyone is so busy. Although people are really friendly and look out for each other, everyone is extremely focused on their daily routine. This means that people do not get to spend much quality time together, getting to know each other.

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? / Do you plan to continue living there?

Yes, of course. As a young man, I like the education, opportunities and vivid life my city offers. It is hard to find another city with so much to offer, so I definitely want to spend the rest of my life here.

Where would you like to live?

I would like to live in a city that has a lot of history, preferably in a foreign country like Italy or France. If I could live somewhere like Rome or Paris, I think that I would be pretty happy. For sure, if I were to move there, I would visit most of the historical locations and museums.



Are there any scenic places near where you live?

Yeah, there are some scenic places near my home. For example, there’s a huge lake close to my house. I go there whenever I want to relax. I just walk around it while listening to music. It gives me an escape from the hustle life.

Are there any good views in your home town?

Yeah, there are some good views in my hometown. There’s a pretty lake downtown. There are tons of willows along the lakeshore to look at. Plus, lots of wild ducks swim on the lake. It’s a very relaxing and scenic place.

What kinds of places are considered beautiful?

I think places that feature nature are considered beautiful. For example, the beaches are really pretty. It’s fun to look at the water. People also love visiting natural wonders, like waterfalls or the Yellow Stone National Park.

When you are on a trip, would you choose a room with a beautiful view?

Yeah, I would choose a room with a beautiful view. Vacations are a chance to see cool things. So when I go to fancy hotels, I pick rooms on the higher floors. It gives me a great view of the place I’m in.

Do people like taking pictures when they see beautiful places?

Yes, definitely. It helps people remember their experience better. I love taking pictures whenever I can. Then when I’m feeling bored, I just look at them and I feel a lot better. It’s nice to take pictures of pretty places.

Are there scenic places in cities?

I don’t think it is often the case. But some cities have scenic places. For example, Chicago city is famous for Millennium Park in downtown. It’s basically a giant park in the center of the city. It’s really amazing. The whole place is very lush and green.












ロジック的に伝えるために、but, so, while, althoughなどの接続詞を正しく使えることが重要。



Describe a person who likes to help others

You should say:

  • Who the person is
  • What help did the person offer
  • Why does the person like to help others
  • And explain how you feel about that person

My cousin is one of the most generous people that I have ever met. She has worked hard her entire life, but still makes time to dedicate to other people. I would love to tell you all about her because I am as proud as a peacock of her.

The two of us are actually the same age and spent most of our childhood together. Even when we were kids, she would go out of her way to help out others. For instance, she would always comfort those who were crying on the playground. She also became a tutor at school and worked tirelessly to make sure her classmates succeeded in their studies. These days, she volunteers oversees to help out those who are impoverished. Usually, she teaches children basic skills, but every now and then she has to offer first aid or counseling.

I know, my cousin will go far in life because she has such a generous spirit. She has always been kindhearted and has made it her mission to make the world a better place. I know, if anyone can pull this off then it is definitely going to be her. I truly look up to her and hope to have a mere fraction of her kindness as I move through my life and achieve my own goals.



Describe an old friend you have met recently/got in contact again

You should say:

  • Who the person is and what he or she is like
  • When and where did you first meet
  • How you got in contact What you two talk about in the meetup
  • And explain how you feel about the meetup

It has been quite some time since I have been able to hang out with my friends from high school. So, when one of my old classmates got in touch with me last week I was thrilled. The two of us ended up grabbing a bite to eat and catching up.

My friend and I were actually study partners when we were in school. I get along with her really well though because we are both reserved people and have many common interests. The two of us started spending time together when we were in a biology class together. We realized that we worked really well together, so we were instant friends. However, we parted ways when we went off to college because our schools were so far away from each other.

When my friend sent me a text message letting me know she’d be in my area, I was quick to invite her to lunch. It felt great seeing her, especially since I don’t know a lot of people at my school. I felt comfortable chatting with her about my life, although we were especially keen to talk about college and how much we were enjoying the freedom that university has brought us.



Describe a family (not your own) which you like a lot

You should say:

  • Where the family lives
  • How you got to know them
  • What did they do with you
  • And explain why you like them so much

My best friend’s family is absolutely amazing. I actually feel as if they are my family because I have spent so much time with them. I’d love to tell you all about them, so you can see why I love them so much.

When I was a kid, my parents were both as busy as bees with work. On top of that, my grandparents lived very far away. So, I was often left in the care of a nanny. That is, unless I was with my best friend. More often than not, she would invite me over for dinner after school or would ask me to spend the night at her home over the weekend. Her parents were more than accommodating and made me feel like I belonged there. They would always go the extra mile to include me in family outings. They even learned how to make my favorite meals, which they would cook when I visited.

Even though I don’t get to see my best friend often, I still make it a point to visit her family whenever I can. Usually, we sit and chat or grab a bite to eat together. I feel as if I belong with them, which makes me feel incredibly happy. It is nice to have a bonus family that I know has my back whenever I am in need.



Describe a friend who is a good leader
You should say:

  • How you knew this person
  • How this person behaves
  • And why you think this person is a good leader

I have known my best friend since I was three years old, and she has always been a great leader. The two of us are like two peas in a pod, so she has always been a great influence on me. I’m thrilled to tell you all about her.

My friend has always had a good head on her shoulders. As a matter of fact, she has had high ambitions for her life since she was knee-high to a grasshopper. Even when we were kids, she was working to make her dreams come true. Of course, she wanted her loved ones to be on the right path to happiness, as well.

As you can imagine, this meant she was always lending a helping hand to keep me on track. For instance, when I lost motivation in high school, she constantly offered to help me catch up on my homework. She even studied with me for hours to ensure I made a good mark on my college entrance exams. On top of that, she inspired me to volunteer to help those less fortunate, which has made a huge impact on my life to this day. She is always leading by example too, which inspires me to work harder. I don’t know where I would be without her leadership, because she has truly helped me to change my life.



Describe a public building you have visited

You should say:

  • When were you there
  • Who did you go with
  • Where it was
  • And explain how interesting the visit was

While I was on summer break in college, my roommate and I decided to take a trip to get away from campus for a bit. So, we went to the Reader’s Pavilion at the National Cultural Park. I would love to tell you all about this public building.

Anyone that loves to read will get a real kick out of this building. When you walk into the pavilion there are lots of shelves filled with some of the best books available. Inside, you will also find a lot of comfortable seating that will help you to concentrate efficiently on any book you pick up. Since the pavilion features floor-to-ceiling windows, there is an abundance of light to help visitors read comfortably for hours at a time. In fact, the two of us read from morning until evening, because of this environment.

Of course, one of the real highlights of the pavilion is its unique shape. The architect truly put a lot of heart and soul into the design, which makes the view remarkable. When you need a break from reading, all you have to do is look out one of the windows and admire the amazing foliage. I really got a lot from my experience at the Reader’s Pavilion, which is why I hope to return there next time I have some free time to play around with.



Describe a city you have visited and want to go back to in the future

You should say:

  • Which city it is
  • Where it is
  • What you did there
  • And explain why you want to go back

When I was in high school, my family and I took a trip to Paris, France. From the moment we landed, I fell head over heels for the city. Now, I can’t wait until I can plan a return trip to this amazing city.

We ended up going to Paris because my sister wanted to study there. In order to put their minds to rest, my parents decided we would all go to explore the area. Together, we got to see the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, the Palace of Versailles, Notre Dame and so much more. We visited cafes and had amazing foods that I can still taste to this day. I couldn’t help but feel right at home in the city.

For many years, I put off going back to Paris. However, when Notre Dame caught fire a year ago, I couldn’t help but feel remorseful. Now, I am champing at the bit to go back to Paris, so I can see all of my favorite things with fresh eyes. I would love to travel there with my friends, so we can truly embrace all of the elements of the city. I feel like I would be able to see things from a different perspective now. Plus, I don’t want another historical building to disappear without seeing it again.



Describe a place where you go to relax

You should say:

  • Where this place is
  • What is the place called
  • How you got to know the place
  • And explain what can you do there to relax

Sometimes, life gets to be a bit too much for me and I need to take a breather. When this happens, I usually walk to the park near my home. This is one of the best locations for me to relax until I have settled my mind.

This park isn’t anything out of the ordinary. In fact, it is just a community park that I stumbled upon one day while I was taking a walk. From the moment I saw it though, I felt much better. It had lots of foliage including beautiful flowers that smelled incredible. There is also a very old tree there that provides the community with lots of shade. It sits next to a pond that has lots of lotus flowers in the spring and it creates a very soothing sound.

Usually, when I go to this park, I simply sit beneath the tree and enjoy the sounds of Mother Nature. This helps me to ground myself so that I am able to reduce the stress I am feeling. After a couple of minutes, I usually feel a lot more relaxed. Every now and then, I like to sit under the tree and catch up on my reading. Sometimes, I would even bring a friend with me and we would sit by the pond and chat with our toes in the water.



Describe a time when you worked in a group

You should say:

  • What it was like
  • Why you joined it
  • What you did in it
  • And how you felt about it

During my first semester of university, I decided to join the school tennis team. I felt like this would be the best way for me to make new friends while keeping as fit as a fiddle. To this day, I’m thankful that I made this decision, because it truly helped me adapt to university life.

I was a bit nervous to join the team, because I wasn’t sure if my skills would measure up to my teammates. However, I quickly found out that many people were working on their skills, just as I was. This allowed everyone to have more fun playing the game and getting to know one another. It didn’t take us long to bond together either, especially since we had such a great time practicing our skills and competing together.

By the time my first year at university was over, I felt as if I had a whole new family. To this day, we are still a tight knit group, because we worked so hard to make our team amazing. We still meet up to play tennis every month, so we can catch up with one another and work on our skills. It’s a great way for everyone to stay fit while ensuring we remain close friends as our lives progress in different directions.



Describe a good decision you make

You should say:

  • What it was
  • When and where you have made it
  • How it turned out
  • And explain why it was good decision

A couple of weeks ago, I made a decision that changed my life quite a bit. It was actually a spur of the moment decision, but I think that it was one of my best decisions that I ever made.

It all happened when I was walking down the street to pick up some groceries for my mother. I heard a very tiny cry coming from down an alleyway. At first, I wasn’t quite sure if I was hearing things, so I took another step. Sure enough, I heard it again. So, I detoured into the alley to see what the noise was. It took me a minute to find the source of the cries, but I was quite shocked when I did. It was a small kitten that was stuck in a drainpipe. I took a moment to take in the situation and then came up with a solution. After a couple of minutes, the kitten was free.

The little creature was so tiny and frail that I decided to take her home with me. I nursed her back to health and now she is my pet. She brings me lots of joy and I know we will have a happy life together. I’m not sure if she would be alive today if I had decided to just leave her where I found her.




Describe an ambition you have had for a long time

You should say:

  • What it was
  • How you got the desire to want to achieve it
  • What you have to do to achieve it
  • When you can achieve it
  • And explain feel about it

Ever since I was a child, I have longed to live in England. There is something about the country that intrigues me. However, it is extremely hard to live abroad, so I’ve had to put in a lot of elbow grease to make this dream a reality.

When I was a little, I watched a documentary about castles in the United Kingdom. From that moment on, I immediately wanted to travel to England to explore them for myself. As I grew, I learned a lot more about the country that made me all the more eager to go. I am especially drawn to the country for its beautiful architecture, rainy days, and music.

Although I have visited England a couple of times now, there is still a lot of work that I need to do to move there. For starters, I will have to enroll in a university there so I can finish my degree. In order to do this, I have to perfect my English skills and go through the proper channels to study abroad. I am also trying to save up the money needed to live there. I have been working on making this dream come true for a few years now and should reach my goal soon! I am proud of how hard I’ve worked to make this goal a reality.



Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes/formal dress

You should say:

  • When it was
  • What you wore
  • What it looked like
  • And explain why you wore it

My high school graduation was a big deal, as it is for most people. That is why my school asked everyone to show up in their formal attire. Since I was still a teenager, I didn’t have anything to wear, so my parents took me shopping for a formal dress.

After spending a couple of hours in a formal boutique, I picked out a dress that fit me like a glove. It was silver in color and had a unique cut that made me feel like a mermaid. On top of that, the dress had lots of sequins that sparkled when I walked beneath the lights. My mother even purchased a pair of matching high heels and a beautiful necklace. I felt like a movie star.

On the eve of my graduation, the school had everyone meet up for a farewell dinner. We went to one of the nicest restaurants in town, which made us all feel like A-listers. At the meal, everyone kept complimenting me on my formal dress. This truly gave me the confidence I needed to stand up and give a speech to my entire class. I will forever remember this night. Not only did it allow me to say goodbye to my dear classmates, but it also helped me to feel like I had finally entered into adulthood.



Describe a photograph you like

You should say:

  • What the photograph was about
  • When and where it was taken
  • Who took it for you
  • And explain why you like it

One of my favorite photographs is a picture of me and my best friend. It was taken when we were in kindergarten and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Please, let me paint a picture of this photograph for you.

I met my best friend on the first day of kindergarten and we have been joined at the hip ever since. This image was taken when my mother picked me up from school on my very first day of kindergarten. The two of us were very upset to part ways, because we were convinced, we would never see each other again. Neither of us understood that we were going to be in the same class for an entire year. In the photo, we are hugging each other tightly and crying.

When I look at this photo today, it makes me crack up. We were both being overly dramatic. At the time, we knew we were destined to be friends though and didn’t want to spend any time apart. A couple of years ago, we took a photo that looked almost exactly the same. However, in this image, we were obviously much older and upset because we were partying ways to go to different universities. I know, this image is one that we both treasure because it defines our friendship perfectly.


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  • Why「なんで(Why)このスポーツやる?」
  • Which「どの(Which)スポーツが流行っている」
  • What「このスポーツをやるにあたって何(What)が必要?」
  • How「(メジャーなスポーツじゃない場合)どうやって(How)やる(ルールの説明等)?」



Do you think 〇〇 should…/Do you think it’s good to (if)…?もありがちな質問。









Why are some people willing to help others?

Some people just have a kind heart, that they don’t want to see others feeling helpless. They want to feel the value of themselves by making other people’s lives better. They don’t like to see people suffer or be hampered by some obstacles. It makes them painful to watch others in need of help to stay hopeless. Thus, they would offer their own strength and try to make things better. I would argue that for most people willing to help others, it is still about their own feelings. They would just feel better if they help.

In what kinds of professions do people help others more?

I would say in public service. People who are working in police stations, in the fire department, are the people who would help others more often. Of course, there are also other professions that would help others on a daily basis, for example, doctors and nurses. The job description of doctors and nurses would basically include helping others to start with. And I think policemen, firefighters, social workers, even teachers, kind of signed up for helping others when deciding on their career paths.

Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?

I would say the parents. Although teachers can always tell the kids that they should try to help others, at the end of the day parents are the ones to actually guide them and show them how good it feels to help others. Helping others is the kind of moral thing to do instead of some sort of obligation. So I think it’s way much more efficient for parents to just show how the world is better for themselves while they help others and also make other’s lives better.

Do people nowadays help others more than in the post?

I don’t really know actually. I think people help others in different ways. In the past people would help others in a more physical way, that one is actually helping another person doing something. But now, there are also many people on the internet helping others with their questions. So I would say it’s kind of equal. It’s just that there are differences in how and where you help people and who you help.



What’s the influence of social media on friendship?

I think social media is helping friends living far away keep in touch with each other. When you are sharing your life on social media, your friends would be able to know what you have been up to. So next time when you guys meet up, you don’t need to spend time catching up. Also, you can sort of still interact with your friend on social media. A click of like or a few words of comments can make people feel like they are still partaking in each other’s life, which I think it’s a wonderful feeling.

Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation?

I think it is because friends who used to study in the same campus would go to different places and do different lines of work after graduation. Their lives would go to different paths. Thus, it might be hard to still keep in contact with their friends. Even if people still keep in touch, sometimes as they are on different tracks, they may start to feel the difficulties in understanding each other. That would also make people less keen on keeping contact, because they feel people are changing.

Do people in your country like to make new friends?

Yes, I do think so. People in my country are very friendly and they love making new friends. When people are traveling outside of their hometown, they would talk to local people and sometimes they would make friends and stay in touch for many years. I think most people would like to make new friends, it’s not just in my country. I have been to other places and I feel like local people are always welcoming and are willing to share their thoughts with me.

Do you think old friends are more important to the old generation or the young generation?

Yes, I do think so. But I think it’s not because new friends are not important to the older generation, I think it’s because older generations nowadays don’t make many new friends. I think for the older generation, it is more difficult for them to make new friends since they are in general less social and attend to fewer activities outdoor. All they have left are those old buddies, so of course, old friends are important.  Also, a lot of the times those old friends are really long-time friends, so I think it is natural for the old generations to cherish them more.



Who is usually the leader in a Japanese family?

Usually is the father figure in the family. When a family needs to make a big decision, the father would have the final say in the matter while other family members all talk about what they think. If it’s about daily stuff, like what decorations to put on, who to invite to a family gathering, most families would consult the mother. But when it comes to whether to make a big purchase or not, do we want to move to another city, like, big things, the father usually has the final say.

How do grandparents take care of their grandchildren?

A lot of the time, grandparents have all the time in the world to take care of their grandchildren. They would just sit around the children and make sure they are not doing anything dangerous. And except for that, they don’t really care much as to what to do with the kids. They are patient because they have the time. They are loving and never pushing because they have already raised their own children so they knew how things should go.

What’s the most important quality of parents?

I think the most important quality of parents is a loving heart and a patient attitude. When parents are loving, they would really think the best for their child. And when parents are patient, they would be willing to actually listen to what the kids are thinking about. Also, parents really need to love their kids from their hearts. I know it sounds weird because you may think every parent loves their kid. But the fact is, for a lot of people, they love their kid for purposes. You have to love the kid as they are, love them unconditionally. I think that is also important.

How can new parents learn about parenting?

One of the good resources is actually their own parents. When new parents are wondering where to get good advice, they would always think about their own parents, think about what they liked about their parents when they were young and learn from that, and think about what they didn’t like about their parents and try to avoid that. Their parents have the experience of how to raise a kid into an adult, and that’s where they should turn to for help.



Who is the head of the family in your culture?

In my culture, the father is usually the head of the family, as the father often can handle challenging, stressful situations and covers most of the living costs. However, the mother is mostly the one who carries the family burden, including cooking, taking them home, solving everyday problems and staying more in contact with the children and their daily demands. The role of the father as head of the family and father figure is indisputable.

Are men better at decision making in a family?

I don’t think so. Based on my own experience, women are more likely to consider the rights of others and to take a cooperative approach to decision-making. Women tend to become risk-alert under stress and go for the smaller wins that are more guaranteed.

Should a leader discuss with team members when making decisions?

Yes, providing employees with an opportunity to partake in decision making, may serve as a motivating power to the emergence of employees’ organizational identification and sense of belonging. This assures the idea that when employees have a positive relationship with management, they exhibit a higher level of organizational commitment. Intuitively, whether you want to lead or be led, including your interlocutors in an upcoming decision will most likely benefit you in all the right ways.

Do you think this (more men than women are leaders) will change in the future?

I think so, more and more women pay more attention to careers rather than families, and the gap between men and women in leadership roles is decreasing. Studies show that once women land leadership positions, they excel – often surpassing men – because they have developed soft skills necessary for effective leadership. Traits like empathy, communication, and listening are qualities that serve women well when in management positions.



Do you think the appearance of a building is important?

How a building looks is critical to its acceptance within a community and to the “pride of place” it creates among residents. Building’s exterior image is what people are going to see first and everybody knows first impressions are very important. And this is also very important for companies, a good appearance of your exterior building says much about you and that can increase your sales.

What is most important to a public building? Design, location, or facilities?

It depends on the purpose of the building. For example, if the public building is a library, then I think facilities are more important, such as books, space and tables. However, if the building is a museum, then the design is critical.

Who should be responsible for conserving the old buildings?

I think the government should take the responsibility of protecting the old buildings. Old buildings help identify the background of a country. The infrastructure of old buildings shows the creativity and talent of the labor-class people during that time. Besides, it even helps to know about the lifestyle of the people in that era. The government should provide proper funding to the maintenance department for the renovation of the old structure.

Do more people prefer to live in houses or apartments in Japan?

In my opinion, more people prefer to live in houses in Japan. Because living in a house people can have their privacy and space of their own, they can plant anything they want in the spare garden, They can park as many cars as they want and they can entertain as many visitors as they can fit with no interruption from neighbors. However, the housing prices are too high so that many people can only afford an apartment rather than a flat.



What’s the difference between the city and the countryside?

The city is a large and highly populated area. Therefore, the city often seems to be a very crowded place. Traffic jams, crowded public trains and buses, busy shopping malls, swarming streets are some of the scenes that come to our mind when we hear the word city. The countryside can be defined as a small community in a rural area. It is often calm and quiet, unlike the city. The abundance of natural resources, the close to nature lifestyle which can be spent in the country are some of the main advantages of countryside life. However, the countryside is not as technologically developed as a city.

Some people say large cities are suitable for old people. What do you think?

I think so because large cities have more medical resources. When people get old, many of them start to have health issues. Living in large cities is more convenient for the old. Besides, big cities tend to have more daily life services and more public facilities, older people can have more fun there.

Do you think it is possible that all of the population move to cities?

In my opinion, it’s less likely that all of the population will move to cities. I agree that more and more people will move to cities for more job opportunities, education and medical resource. However, life in cities is competitive and not every person can find jobs in cities, and they have to move back to the rural area.

Do you think people in the countryside are friendlier than people in the city?

I think it depends on their education and personality rather than where they live. However, people in the city have more chances to get a higher education, so I think that it’s easier to meet friendly people in the city.



How do students relax themselves?

There are various ways for students to be relaxed. One of the healthiest ways to blow off steam is to get regular exercise. Students can work exercise into their schedules by doing yoga in the morning, walking or biking to campus, or reviewing for tests with a friend while walking on a treadmill at the gym. Starting now and keeping a regular exercise practice throughout their lifetime can help them live longer and enjoy life more.

What activities do employers organize to help employees relax?

In order to reduce stress in the workplace and making it more conducive, some ways can help reduce stress in the workplace. For example, nowadays, everyone is looking for that flexibility at work. Employers can allow team members flexibility by not monitoring them often, so long as specific deadlines complete their work. Remember that salary is not everything. Besides, the company should encourage team members to take time from their day to exercise at the gym, take a walking lunch or meeting or try a yoga class.

Do people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past?

Yes, in the past, people often relax by doing activities with their friends and families. But now with the development of the internet, apart from hanging out with friends, people have more ways to relax, for example, they can play online video games and watching TV shows. Besides, with the development of economics, more and more daily life services are offered in the city where people can enjoy their life in many interesting ways.

Do you think natural scenery is more helpful than indoor activities?

Yes,  people can take not only physical advantages but mental advantages. For example, people can develop their physical health from walking, running, or swimming. Also, they can promote mental growth from interacting with other people or animals or natural scenery.



Which one do you think is more important: individual development or teams’ goals?

I feel that working towards team goals can actually help with individual development. It is crucial for people to know how to thrive in a team, as this will help them with future success in business. Working as a team takes great personal development and control, too.

Do you think it is a good thing to have disagreements within a team?

Disagreements are inevitable when it comes to teams. However, having disagreements help to strengthen the team while opening up the concept of other points of view. Working through these disagreements can also improve the bond of the team, which can help with future issues.

Do you think it is good for kids to join a team?

Kids should definitely join teams from a young age. This is when children are most impressionable and can truly begin to alter the way they think. Teamwork at such an early age can help children learn to work with others while realizing the world doesn’t revolve around them.

How to become a good member of a team in the workplace?

One of the best ways to become a good teammate is to work on your listening skills. It is crucial to be able to open up and accept others’ ideas, so you can work to create a solution that works for everyone. This can help lead to better ideas.



What decisions do people make every day?

The first decision that springs to my mind is that people have to decide what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Of course, they make a lot of other decisions as well, such as taking which means of transportation to work, whether to finish this piece of work here at the office or take it back home, etc. I think life is about making choices, so we are used to making decisions. It’s just hard to always make the right one.

Why do people make decisions?

Very often because they have to. Even if someone is bad at making decisions or isn’t brave enough to do so on his or her own, he or she must make decisions from time to time. For instance, if you are grown up, then you have to decide what to eat for each meal on your own. You have to decide which courses to take for yourself, or what jobs to apply to after graduation. People have to make decisions because that’s just life.

Can children make decisions on their own?

It depends on what the decision is. If a child says he or she wants a book to read, of course I think it’s appropriate and should be granted. If he or she wants a second ice-cream when they’ve already had one, I think that should not be encouraged. Parents should encourage children to think independently and make decisions on their own, but they should also watch out for these decisions, to see whether they are appropriate or not, and tell their children about it.

When do people change their decisions?

I think people change their minds very often. But that depends on character. I know some people are stubborn, or more serious, and they tend to stick to their decisions, whether they turned out to be good or not. Some people are more flexible and change their decisions if they think the decisions are not good enough. Decisions also change when circumstances change. For instance, I decided to go to work by bike the day before. However, it started raining in the morning and of course, I had to change my decision.



What kinds of ambitions do people have?

People have many kinds of ambitions in life. Some people want to make a lot of money, some people want to be the person on top of the power chain. There are also people thinking otherwise, whose ambition is to make great things in their own fields. I think there are no unified standards for ambitions. Anything a person can achieve that’s more than easy in the field, I would say that’s ambition.

Why should parents encourage children to have ambitions?

I think children should always dream big to start with. It’s like when you are setting a higher goal, you would automatically try harder and achieve your best. Even though it’s very possible that you may not get to what you dreamed of, you can still go very far. It’s like that if you are aiming at 100 in an exam, you probably would get 90 in reality, but that’s still good enough and better than many others. But if you aim low, like, at 60, you may fail if you are not careful.

Should parents interfere with their children’s ambitions?

I think parents should not interfere with their children’s ambitions, but they should definitely guide them. Children’s ambitions can be wild sometimes, and in some cases, they may go in the wrong ways. Parents should encourage them to pursue their ambitions in the right way. But they also need to keep an eye open and guide their kids when the youngsters are heading in the wrong direction. Parents should teach their kids that having ambitious goals is a good thing, but achieving it the right way is also very important.

Is there any difference between children’s ambitions and those of grown-ups?

I do think so. The ambitions of the grown-ups are usually more realistic than children’s. Children’s ambitions can sometimes be wild and full of fantasies. And their ambitions may change over time. They can want to be an astronaut when they are five, and then want to be the president of the country when they are ten. But for adults, one can aim for the position of CEO for years before achieving or changing it.



Do you think people need to wear formally in the workplace?

It depends on the dress code in the workplace. For example, if someone works as an account manager in investment banking, the person should wear a formal suit as the suit can make him look more professional and convincing. However, if someone is working in a technology company and the dress code is casual, he doesn’t have to wear formally, and can wear a T-shirt like Steve Jobs.

Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?

Traditional clothes show the culture of a nation country. Many traditional clothes have detail and elements which are fascinating from many designers to bring on a collection with a new vision of life.

Will traditional clothes disappear in the future?

I think some of the traditional clothes will probably disappear if people don’t have enough attention for them. For example, when people are exposed to other cultures they see some aspects of them that they consider superior to their own culture and that makes the culture disappear unless it is extremely deeply based. However, I am sure that not all the traditional clothes will disappear, as we can still see lots of traditional clothes being used in the movie industry.

Do old people change their style of dressing?

Clothing choices change as people age. Clothing choices for the old are mostly determined by functionality and comfort, but some are necessary for medical reasons. Besides, One of the things women do as they get older is cover up more. Men’s clothes don’t show much of their bodies. They show their hands, face, maybe their neck. Obviously, the body is present underneath but it’s not as exposed. That has quite a lot of consequences for getting older.



Why do people take photos?

People take photos to try to keep their memories still. They want to be able to re-see the scene they like and they want to be able to see it again later or to share the same view with other people. When you look at a photo you took from a holiday traveling, you would be reminded of what you have seen there. When you look at a photo taken when you graduate, you would be reminded of all the good days as a student. So yeah, I think people take photos to remind themselves of those moments.

What do people use to take photos these days, cameras or phones?

I think these days more people would prefer using phones more. There are still some people who would use cameras because cameras would produce photos of better quality. But for most people, phones are easier to carry around. To them, it’s more important that they are not carrying extra equipment just for shooting photos, and they can have it with them everywhere they go. When they see something that they want to capture in photos, they can get it in hand quickly and handy.

Is it difficult for people to learn how to take good photos?

I actually think it is a little bit difficult. Usually, people just take pictures like they take notes on what they have seen. And they don’t really care about the quality of how good it is. Taking good photos would require the person to actually think about art and beauty a little bit. You need to know how the angel and the color of the lighting can change the visual effect of a photo, and how to place things in your frame in the right position. You really need to think about it in order to take a good photo.

How do people keep their photos?

In the old days, people would print the photos out and keep them in actual albums. That generation of people would really care about which photo is better, because they cannot print out everything and put everything on the shelf. But nowadays a lot of young people prefer storing photos on phones. It’s easier and you can always use cloud storage if the phone storage is not enough. So people now don’t usually sort through their photos, they just store everything.


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